Payday loans have a bad reputation for a good reason – they target people who are already struggling with debt, enticing them with “easy” but very expensive access to a chunk of money quickly. This is why payday loans are often called predatory loans – and why Colorado legislators have put some laws in place to regulate payday lenders and better protect consumers.
5 Steps to Prioritizing Your Debt
Debt can easily snowball with overspending and/or a lack of a budget. For those who are struggling with debt and are ready to start taking action to reduce it, however, the first step can be to prioritize all of their debt obligations.
The Advantages (& Possible Drawbacks) of Filing for Bankruptcy Prior to Divorce
Bankruptcy and divorce can be two sides of the same coin, with either contributing to the other for many married couples. When people facing serious debt also are ready to end their marriages, whether they choose to pursue bankruptcy or divorce first will be important – and can have some important impacts on the other case that follows.
Scraping by Each Month? Follow These 4 Tips to Get Your Finances Back on Track
When it seems like your paycheck drains out of your checking account as soon as it’s deposited, you are probably stressed out about money, and you are likely living paycheck to paycheck. For many people in this situation, even just one unforeseen event – like an accident or the need for a pricey home or car repair – can end up plunging them into serious debt.
5 Things to Bring to an Initial Consult with a Bankruptcy Lawyer
When you have made the decision to get some professional debt relief help, meeting with a bankruptcy attorney can be important to finding out more about your best options for proceeding.
4 Signs It’s Time to Contact a Bankruptcy Attorney
Many people struggle with debt every now and again. While some people are able to turn their financial situations around and climb out of debt, however, others may face ongoing debt issues.
3 Important Facts to Know about Bankruptcy Fraud
Bankruptcy fraud can be a federal offense, leading to years in prison (among other penalties) in the event of conviction.
3 Options to Avoid When You Need Money ASAP
No matter how careful you may be with your money, there are times when sudden, unavoidable expenses can arise, screwing up a budget and possibly leaving people scrambling for cash. This commonly arises, for example, with accidents/injuries that trigger expensive medical bills or even with vehicles when breakdowns or malfunctions lead to pricey fixes.
Use This Sample Letter to Dispute a Credit Card Charge
Dealing with credit card companies can be stressful, especially if you need to get a charge you didn’t acquire from your bill and records with the company. While you may be able to dispute these charges over the phone, some companies may also require you to send a written, more formal letter to explain the issue and why you are not responsible for the credit card debt.
4 Mistakes to Avoid Making before Filing for Colorado Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can help people get out from under crushing debt. When people make the choice to pursue bankruptcy as a debt relief option, however, it can take at least a few months from when they make this decision when their paperwork is actually filed with the court.